Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Gooey Chocolate Brownies-From Barefoot's Kids Kitchen

I made another recipe from my Barefoot Book Kid's Kitchen Card Deck. Find the Card deck by clicking here Kids Kitchen 

Gooey Chocolate Brownies

You will need 3/4 cup butter
6oz baking chocolate
3/4 cup light brown sugar
2 Large eggs
2cups all purpose flour shifted with 3 teaspoons baking soda
9inch square pan
Heat proof mixing bowl and saucepan that fit snuggle into each other( or to saucepan stacked)
Wooden mixing spoon, fork, teaspoon
mixing bowl

Step 1
Preheat oven to 350F
Step 2
Spray baking pan with nonstick coating or place aluminum foil inside

Step 3
place butter and chocolate into a saucepan fitted on top of another saucepan with simmering water.
Let butter and chocolate melt. Stir constantly to prevent burning

Step 4 Add in brown sugar
Step 5 allow to slightly cool 

Step 6 mix flour and baking soda in bowl

Step 7 break two eggs into bowl or cup scrabble with fork

Step 8
Make sure chocolate  is slightly cool then mix in eggs (if to warm egg will begin to scrabble.

Step 9 slowly poor in floor/baking soda mixture into pan while stiring

Step 10 Pour mixture into pan
Step 11 cook for 15-20 minutes 

Step 12 allow to cool for 10 minutes, cut into squares and enjoy

Both my kids enjoyed these and I did as well. Gooey yet not  messy.

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