Thursday, March 29, 2012

Year of photo day 16 and 17

I keep up yeah..

My Barefoot book Display. O I cant wait for my events these coming months

and Here is our breakfast this morning Strawberry and blueberry smoothies

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Year of photos. Day 11,12,13,14, and 15

Wow I got behind again. as always have so much going on so here we go some more photos and a video. :)

Shoe(have a ton of these plus other thing to sell from spring cleaning

A barn while driving around town

One of my favorite barefoot books and so wish i had a ipad that way i could get the new app

Not sure how to turn it but a video since my camera has a cool video feature 

And my display trying to figure out how to set up for a event i have coming up.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Barefoot book-Easter Ideas.

O I love Easter spring is in the air and of course I am christian so we do celebrate and rejoice our savor. Which I have nothing against other religions, I love the diversity of all and enjoy learning about other culture and religions. :) But anyway I created so gift basket ideas for Easter/spring that also could be use for any occasion. So I wanted to share and If anyone would like one I will to recreated them for you or help you create your own. 

To find any books in these basket please visit if you need help finding other items feature please do not hesitate to ask I will be more than happy to help locate them or tell you were we got ours. (which most item come from my kids toy collection lol)

Perfect for those learning letter or change book with Cleo counting book and add numbers to the board instead

I love the puppet so who in the garden with the bunny or any of the story along with matching puppet or stuffed animal toddler and babies love these.

Got to say this is a personal favorite of mine just because I enjoy learning and it never ends with this book then add the puzzel and new Ipad app you cant go wrong especially for school age kids. 

This is the book my son getting for Easter(shhhh) but either this book or Kids Garden card deck.

Then got to love fairy tell any princes or fairy tale book would work.

My all time favorite book. I love this as a baby first book perfect story for bed time or add any other bed time story.

Fun toys along with any of Clare Beaton's board books go along together. Such fun stories that stay with us forever.

Jungle animals with this one or Safari animal to go along with We all went on Safari.

O I have so many ideas and if you find a book you like I sure could come up with a them. I have so many themes in my mind but do not have the items here to create them lol. Hope you enjoyed and can help create your own ideas. 

A year of photos Day 9 n 10

Well here we go.

Day 9
Little man tired after eating lunch and playing hard all day

Day 10

On of our little plant is actually growing. Yeah we really do not have a lot of luck with gardening so for one to grow it a miracle. LOL

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Apple Volcanoes- Kids Kitchen Review

So I Reviewing my Barefoot Product "Kids Kitchen Card Deck". You can find the deck here

I going to try a few recipe the next several day. 
Today we tried Apple Volcanoes mmmm.

I loved them. Emmaleigh (1yrs) loved them. Trever (5yr) was ok. He like the idea, he tasted and said it was good but didnt want anymore, but he very very picky. 

So here the recipe (we changed it up a bit since we didn't have or couldn't find everything plus we only made two apples but I am posting the Recipe for 4.)

Things you need

4 small cooking apples
3 apricots ( we only a large mango so that what we used)
1/2 cup raisins
1/3 cup rolled oats or granola
1 tablespoon of honey
2 tablespoons butter
4 Marshmallows (or a lot of small ones)

Cutting board
Vegatable knife
Apple Corer( we dont have one but this would be very helpful
Ovenproof Baking Dish 
Mixing Bowl and damp cloth/no skid surface
Wooden spoon
1)Preheat oven to 350F

2) Cut a thin slice off the base of the apples so that it sits Flat. ( i recommend this even if it sit up already since once you fill it get a little heavy)

3) Use an apple Corer to remove the core. Make sure the whole is big enough to fill. Take a  fork and make four pricks around the side of each apple. Put them on prepared backing Dish.
( we cute are center out with a knife so it not the prettiest)

4) cut the apricots( mango in our case) into small pieces and put them in mixing bowl. Put damp cloth underneath to prevent from sliding or just put bowl on non skid surface.

5) Add the Raisins, oats or granola, and honey in the mixing bowl. 

6) Mix all  together with wooden spoon. Using your find, stuff the mixture down the hole in the apples, working from the top. Divide the mixture evenly between apples.  

7) Put butter on top of each apple

8) Bake the apples for 25 minutes or until they are soft when you insert a knife into them. Carefully place marshmallows on top of each apple and bake another 2 minutes. The Marshmallow should Erupt.

And here are finish Apple Volcano. We didn't leave enough room to put the marshmallows inside so the kind of just erupted down the side

*Microwave Directions- prepare the same. Cook 3 minutes then check. Once cooked allow to stand 2 minutes apples still are cooking once removed from the microwave.

Trever Tasting his.
 Emmaleigh Chowing Down on hers.

A Year of Photos. Day 5,6,7, and 8

Ekk It been a crazy week with a sick little one but we still managed to get our photos in just not able to post everyday. :)

Day 5
I was just enjoying the weather. This is what i get to view lol

 Day 6

Shark attack. Marco on this camera not working out to well got to keep practicing.

Day 7

She was felling a lot better. So we went out to grandmaws
And of course had to share Trever Exploring. 

Day 8

She discovers shades lol, 

Friday, March 16, 2012

A year in photos- Day 4.

Sick day around the house. My little Emmaleigh is sick again. She woke up last night vomiting and then this morning a fever. I hate her getting sick.. So we are off to the doctor again this afternoon. ,but in the meantime we are all cuddling. 

Big Brother loves make little sister feel better. I do have to thank him for helping me today by making her so happy. He is the best. 

mmm fingers are always tasty 

Year of Photos- Day 3 and a little spring cleaning

Well yesterday I spent all day cleaning "The Disaster Zone" ie the kids room. We Came out the a trash bah full of trash. We ended up with two tots overflowing of toys and clothes to sale or donate. 

The before
The room

The Closet

The After:

Closet (which got a little extra toys added neatly in there)

 the room

Another view

The dresser (with all the small toys the baby trys to eat lol)

Now the shared bedroom is safe for both the kids to play in without worring about the little one chocking on toys. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Year of photos. ~Day 1 and 2

Ha I already falling behind. I had written my post for Monday and never posted it and then never posted my photos. Eekkkk This always happens. O well it my blog I can be behind if I want. lol So Anyway I got a new camera Monday and Will begin my journey and discovering all it cool features. So are you ready I going to take a picture a day then post on here. As you can tell i tend to forget to post sometime I have more than 1 day in one post.

Day 1


Day 2 I could find anything better to photo. So here is scuba man.

UGH weight issues

Today has been bad yet good. Got my new camera in, husband going look at a new hopefully he will be able to buy, and my grandparnts sold there home after being on the market for over a year.

Now the badish. Emmaleigh had her shot today and her first vist with the new doctor. Well she healthy other than her weight. O how she need to grow we are at 16.5 pounds at almost 14 months. We gained 2 pounds in 2 months agter being at a standstill for 6 months. It still not enough though she goes back in six weeks but in the meantime we have to drink pedisure and junk food to try to get here weight up. I just wish they would do laps already and she is just fine and that it just her metaoblism keeping her small.

Anyway  I am about to post my first day of my year in photos. Check it out it. It not the best photo since I still discovering my camera. :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

I am Here!!

Hello World! This is my first blog post every. Wow big step in the way of technology for me the person that did not own a smart phone til this year and last one to make a Myspace page which surprising  turned to facebook a year later lol. I been adversely left behind on all technology not because i don't like it but because I really just don't keep up with the media and what in "style".

Any who I making this blog to feature the thing i enjoy my crafting, Cooking, Random thing about my kids, My Photography(which i getting a new camera and be doing a year in photo while i discover it features), My business and my future business I hoping to have, and Just all those little thing in life I have to share. Yes, I doubt my blog will be very popular or even if I get any followers, But hey at least I putting myself out there overcoming my shyness and being know for me. 

Well a little more detail about me. I am a mom of two beautiful children, which you will here about a lot. Trever,  currently age 5, loves dinosaurs and science he a quite kid non-messy picky child. He is my little nerd and It is lovely. Then there is Emmaleigh , but we all call her Emma, She is a 1 year old Girl full of attitude. She is Trever total opposite she loud, proud, and in to everything. She is a petite little one but when you get to know her she is huge and she can destroy something in a heartbeat. She is my little Rebel hippie baby.
Now my Husband, Jason, my love of my life and my best friend. He amazing he been with me for the last 3.5 years and we been married 1.5. He is great man, hard working, and very insightful always making me think and  motivating me to push through to become more than what I think I can be. For this I am thankful.

Now me, well I consider myself shelf shy but i slowly starting to grow from that. I consider by other a hippie lol. I love using natural cleaner, saving money, and slowly becoming greener or at least trying. I not sure how that is hippish but hey i take the name on proudly. I currently am an ambassador for Barefoot books, great children books, and perusing my bachelor for Business Management at University of Phoenix Online. I Eventually want to own my own shop with my photography, books, crafts, and random unusual gift items. Well You discover more about me as I discover me as I grow and discover myself.

Here my little family this picture is almost a year old and not great, but it the best photo we have of all of us.

Stay Blessed,
